Can Manufacturing Cost be Reduced with 0.3 mm Sheet Magnet?

0.3 mm Tabaka Magnetle İmalat Maliyeti Azaltılabilir Mi, yapışkanlı magnetler, tabaka magnet, tabaka magnetler, buzdolabı magneti, buzdolabı magnetleri, hobi magnet, promosyon magnet, magnet, mıknatıs, 0.3 mm magnet, 0.4 mm magnet

Can the Manufacturing Cost be Reduced with a 0.3 mm Sheet Magnet

Can the manufacturing cost be reduced with a 0.3 mm sheet magnet, let's take a look at this issue. Self-adhesive magnets are manufactured by applying double-sided tape to the back of a normal sheet magnet (for detailed information, see: Can Sheet-Magnet Be Made-Adhesive Magnet With Double-Sided Tape?) . Therefore, if you buy a normal sheet magnet and put double-sided tape on the back, logically you should be able to get the same result. However, the result of this application may often not be what you expected! The reason for this has to do with the quality of the tape. Not all duct tape or double-sided tape is the same. The quality of the tapes varies depending on the raw material of the product, the manufacturing style and the care taken during production.

  The minimum thickness that can be used in fridge magnets distributed for promotional magnet purposes and some hobby magnet products is currently 0.4 mm. So why? If we manufacture magnets with 0.3 mm magnet, wouldn't we reduce the costs even more? Can manufacturing costs be reduced with 0.3 mm sheet magnet? Although these ideas, which whet the appetite of many manufacturers, sound good in theory, they do not yield positive results in practice.



Sheet magnets are not magnets with very high magnetic attraction power. Therefore, if the thickness is changed, this will directly affect the strength of the magnet. When we talk about 0.4 mm magnet, reducing it to 0.3 mm thickness may at first give the impression that we are only concerned about 10 microns (one tenth of a millimeter), but in fact we are talking about reducing the strength of the product by at least 25%. In other words, we can answer yes to the question "Can the manufacturing cost be reduced with a 0.3 mm sheet magnet?", but the product obtained in this way will be unsuccessful and of poor quality.


Although you can get relatively better results when gluing paper and derivative products with 0.3 mm magnets, the problems will get worse especially when gluing them to non-paper products. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this point in products such as hobby magnet and refrigerator magnet. The double-sided tapes on the adhesive magnets we import have a quality well above average, as they are designed for different usage areas. In addition to its effective adhesion to paper and similar materials, it can also be used easily for other materials. We recommend that you do not deviate from this answer to the question Can the manufacturing cost be reduced with a 0.3 mm sheet magnet.

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We are so close to you. You will get the order in your country on the time. We can prepare the all exportation documents in a day and we can be ready to send the order to you with our competitive prices. We are the biggest magnetic sheet wholeseller of Turkiye. And also we can export to European countries such as Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Greece, Makedonia, Sırbia, Ukraine.. Also Azerbaijan and Georgia choose us as supplier about magnetic sheets. All products produced under European standarts. Our magnetic products have N71 certification and all are toxic free.