What are the Problems Caused by Poor Quality Raw Material?

Kalitesiz Hammaddenin Magnette Çıkardığı Sorunlar Nelerdir, tabaka magnet, tabaka magnetler, magnet, mıknatıs

What are the problems caused by poor quality raw materials in the magnet

Quality is very important when choosing

sheet magnet. Poor quality of the product you have purchased may cause many problems during manufacturing and may also cause dissatisfaction of the users.


There are several factors that affect the quality of the sheet magnet. The most important of these is raw materials. What are the problems caused by poor quality raw materials in magnets? If scrap material is used as raw material in the sheet magnet you purchased or if it is produced from poor quality raw material, the product will be elastic like rubber. Sheet magnets produced in this type may cause odor, and leaving them on the cabinet for a long time may leave permanent marks on the refrigerator. Such magnets may stain hands during manufacturing, tear the edges of the product during sorting, or cause problems in the glue adhering to the paper during plastering. As you can see, there are many answers to the question "What are the problems caused by poor quality raw materials in magnets?".


Fractures in the cutting areas during the cutting of the sheets may be one of the indicators that the raw material used in the sheet magnet is of poor quality.


To the question "What are the problems caused by poor quality raw materials in magnets?", it is necessary to add the weakness in magnetic attraction power, which is the primary feature of the magnet. Insufficiency of magnetic attraction power is one of the problems frequently encountered in sheet magnets produced with poor quality raw materials. Therefore, in order to avoid any problems that may arise, we recommend that you purchase your sheet magnet from a competent and proven importer company whose business is magnet sales. What are the problems caused by poor quality raw materials in magnets, if you do not want to deal with these problems, you should make your choice wisely.

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We are so close to you. You will get the order in your country on the time. We can prepare the all exportation documents in a day and we can be ready to send the order to you with our competitive prices. We are the biggest magnetic sheet wholeseller of Turkiye. And also we can export to European countries such as Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Greece, Makedonia, Sırbia, Ukraine.. Also Azerbaijan and Georgia choose us as supplier about magnetic sheets. All products produced under European standarts. Our magnetic products have N71 certification and all are toxic free.

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