How is Magnet Printing Made?

Magnet Baskı Nasıl Yapılır, magnet baskı, baskı magnet

How is Magnet Printing Made?

In addition to vehicle magnets, magnets are now also used in the production of signboards, magnetic warning and direction signs. In the production of vehicle magnets, signage and warning signs, the work is usually done by printing the image on the foil in a digital printing machine. How to make magnet printing, now let's look at them.


Let's start with the choice of foil on how to make magnet printing. Foil selection should be chosen as indoor or outdoor foil according to the characteristics of the place where the magnetic sign or magnetic plate will be placed. The important thing here is to what extent the foil will be exposed to sunlight. The print on indoor foils will fade in a shorter time under the sun. The foils you will print must be removed. You can mix it with glue.


The paper on the sticker surface is adhered to the foil magnet after the casing is removed. The bonding process is very important in how magnet printing is done. Here, you should be very careful while sticking. The adhesive of the foils is very strong and it is very difficult to separate from the ground to which it is adhered. Even if it is separated, it can cause serious damage to the image. For this reason, while the foil is being adhered to the magnet, the glued part of the foil should be separated from its enclosure slowly and at the same time by spraying plenty of water on the glue. It is also a method to use glass glass instead of water during this soaking process. Since Camsil evaporates in a shorter time, the drying time of the product will be less.


Now we know how to make magnet printing.

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We are so close to you. You will get the order in your country on the time. We can prepare the all exportation documents in a day and we can be ready to send the order to you with our competitive prices. We are the biggest magnetic sheet wholeseller of Turkiye. And also we can export to European countries such as Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Greece, Makedonia, Sırbia, Ukraine.. Also Azerbaijan and Georgia choose us as supplier about magnetic sheets. All products produced under European standarts. Our magnetic products have N71 certification and all are toxic free.

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